ReDiscover your Passion
Do you really know what you want? How will you get there? Do you understand what's holding you back? Do you have the tools and support you need?
If you can honestly answer "yes" to all four questions, every other page on the internet is likely to be of more use to you than this one!
Coaching is all about creating the future we want, ourselves. Coaching doesn't do that for you; nothing does. But it absolutely will give you the time, space and safety to ask and answer these fundamental questions, supported by someone who has no other agenda than to help you succeed. The results are, for want of a better word, Magical.
Do you know what I love most about the past? It's over!
Byron Katie
How do I know if I need coaching?
Your journey into coaching will be unique to you. You may have clear ambitions, personally or professionally, that you want to realise. You may be lacking direction and feeling confused or stuck. You may have experienced something negative at home or work, or feel that you don't have the tools or resources to perform to your best. Whatever brings you here, it's all about shaping your future.
So how do you know if you need coaching? Quite simply, you don't. But you might really want to take control of creating a better future for yourself. You have to want it, because there's work involved.
What brought me here?
For the majority of my 20-year HR career, I'd resisted coaching. I was always learning, always progressing and was proud of my record of maximum introversion scores in each and every psychometric test I took! Introversion is my superpower, right? They call me a quiet genius! I don't need to change. I don't need anyone pointing me this way or that; I get my energy from within and I'm doing fine, thank you very much.
Fast-forward a few years. I am - through exceptional teams – achieving more than I’d thought possible. There are things I don’t naturally enjoy of course (public speaking being a firm No.1), but most of my work I love doing and am good at. So why is my head so noisy? And why, after all these years of building resilience and not fearing anything that is put in front of me, can I be knocked sideways by a single comment? And when did I start opening a bottle of wine as a means of celebrating, commiserating or winding down from each day? Actually, when was the last time I didn’t do that?
So, my introduction to coaching was initially to address some problems. Problems I'd started to recognise, but didn't yet understand. I wanted to look back, to understand how and why things had crept up on me like this, when in theory everything in life was balanced and going really well.
But of course, it’s not really about looking back. Well, only as far as needed to understand how we currently see the world. It’s about the future; what we really want, how we develop the strengths and behaviours to get there and how we step away from the subconscious beliefs that get in our way. Coaching for me has been transformational. Magical. Our mission is to help people like you create your own magic.